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Cathodic Protection

CIS is capable to supply Engineering, Equipment and Installation services for the cathodic protection systems of high-pressure gas & oil pipelines, and storage facilities.

Cathodic protection FAQ

When rust or corrosion will most likely occur?
1-Two dissimilar items 2-Water with type of salt (electrolytes) 3-A metal conducting path
When Cathodic protection system should be done?
if the operation involve the use of any of the following equipment or installations: 1-Pipelines 2-Steel Structure 3-Above/Underground Storage Tanks
What are the types of Cathodic Protection?
Impressed Current: Protection is achieved by connecting the affected structure to an anode bed through a transformer rectifier, which forces the current to flow from the anodes to the structure, thereby providing further protection. Galvanic Anode: Protection is achieved by connected the protected structure to a certain sacrificial anode (zinc, aluminum, or magnesium) which is positioned very close to the structure.